Atelier / Galerie
385 St-Paul Ouest, Montréal, QC., H2Y 2A7
Ouvert tous les jours 11h à 17h

Sherbrooke Photo Journey
Humans from here and the world
Sherbrooke Photo Journey
Edition 2020-2021
"Humans from here and the world”
I had the honour of participating in the Sherbrooke Photo Journey, under the theme “Humans from here and the world”. The exhibition featured 10 of my humanistic photographs taken during my travels to India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, and China. The works presented were chosen for their ability to encourage reflection on the precarious living conditions of some individuals in these culturally diverse countries.
This exhibition, under the supervision of the Sherbrooke Fine Arts Museum, the Jacques-Cartier Arts and Culture Committee and the City of Sherbrooke, took place from September 2020 to September 2021.
I hope that this exhibition helped to highlight the humanity that lives in precarious conditions and encouraged reflection on social and economic inequalities in the world. I invite you to come discover my work and let yourself be moved by the stories these photographs tell.